The British Journal of Radiology

The UKRC held in June this year was all about sharing and showcasing studies that are leading the way for the future of radiography. Our own poster was among the mix with the title ‘Radiation Dose Comparison of CBCT and CT Extremity Scans’. The work conducted by our very own radiographers demonstrated that CBCT involved a significantly lower radiation dose than traditional CT.

Among the new shiny posters discussing these modern concepts was a table that was looking slightly out of place. On it lay a pile of tired and worn looking books with the title ‘The British Journal of Radiology’. The British Institiute of Radiology responsible for these is the oldest radiological society in the world, dating back to its first meeting in 1897. Cavendish Imaging was able to take a few of these journals away with us, dating between 1939 and 1941. You can read about the devices for ‘accurate alignment of an x-ray beam’, ‘diffused skeletal metastasis in cancer of the breast’ and ‘dosage control of interstitial radium treatments’. The adverts focus on the x-ray equipment of the time, described to be ‘as new as tomorrow’. If only the authors could see our own Cavendish Imaging scanners of today; the Accuitomo F170 for dental imaging and NewTom for Orthopaedics

It is certainly interesting to see where the world of radiography once began and how the research and development of the last 75 years has brought us to the skill and expertise we now have in diagnostic imaging (and thankfully too – judging by some of the old pictures, descriptions and diagrams…)



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