Case Study: What do you see?

CBCT showing the ULQ with edentulous left maxilla. There is a well defined expansile left maxillary lucent bone lesion.

The appearances and expansile nature in absence of residual dentition mean a radicular cyst is unlikely. The degree of expansion can be seen with maxillary KCOT, but no internal scalloping is perhaps atypical – but KCOT is not excluded.

Alternative diagnoses include Giant Cell Tumour (although age group is atypical), Aneurysmal Bone Cyst, Plasmacytoma or less likely a metastasis (in the absence of any prior medical history).

Surgical biopsy was recommended – and any further imaging (eg staging scans / bone scan) would depend upon the histological result of biopsy.



Case Study: Extensive Permeative Bone Loss


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Case Study: Interesting Small Volume CBCT


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Case Study: how many denticles?


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